Get to Know Me!

I’m Erin Pettey, and I love flowers!

My love for flower blossomed early, I grew up alongside my mother working in our flower & veggie garden, challenging her decisions on flower varieties and placement, living for stops at the greenhouses, and asking where we could make more gardens!

I’ve been flower arranging and winning ribbons since my early years as an exhibitor at the local fair.

My Great Grandmother was a market gardener, the O’Connor women before me grew rows of glads, dahlias, hollyhocks, countless bulbs, and varieties of blooms in the very gardens I’ve worked in my whole life. There’s still blooms that reemerge every spring that my grandma planted decades ago.

Erincrest Blooms is located on my family farm. Myself, along with my husband operate a Dairy & Crop farm. The name, Erincrest Blooms, stems from my Registered Holstein prefix, Erincrest, which I made 18 years ago when I bought my first cow! When we purchased the farm from my parents, I had already bred & owned more then half of the herd. Working with animals and Holstein genetics is my main passion. It is an honour to be able to farm on the O’Connor homestead where my ancestors settled in the 1800’s.

Achieving a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Guelph provided me with a foundation of understanding plant science and agronomy to build upon, to make flower farming, truly successful (it fits in well with the acres of row crops we grow 😉)!

My ‘daytime’ job is a Dairy Consultant for a local feed company. Every decision I make on farm directly impacts my clients’ livelihood. Their biggest expense each month is to my company, it’s a career that has constant change & new challenges and holds a lot of responsibility. My day job is where I apply the majority of my degree- Animal Science!

I’m sure it sounds like I got a lot going on, so why would I start a flower farm and add more to my (dinner) plate? (LOL to my Dahlias growing friends). Very simple, it’s a dream I needed to make a reality!

My Mom, husband, and sweet little daughter are my wonderful assistants that have helped make this longtime dream a reality.

I love my life surrounded by life. Farm animals, nature, gardens, house plants, my tropical aquarium. I see beauty and perfection in the simple things, something I wish more people could make a priority. Which is why I am SO excited & proud to share the beauty & pure joy it provides, with you through Erincrest Blooms